My name is Bartosz Ludwiczuk, Computer Vision and Machine Learning passionate. BLCV is started at 2014 consulting company, which mostly works with Computer Vision and Deep Learning technology. Company is specializing with Face-Recognition and OCR using Deep Learning technology and also with Feature-Detector (like SIFT, SURF). In this blog I'm planing to describing the Face Recognition and OCR technology in which I feel realy good and I want to share my experience with others.
As the consulatant, in most of the project BLCV propose the complete pipeline: from research, gathering the data to model training, with documentation of each step.
I have many project finished with sucess and most of BLCV clients are happy with cooperation. Here are some history of my previous experience: UpWork
In a free time, for fun and new experience I'm parcipiating the Kaggle-Competition. Otherwise I'm preparing for half-maraton or triathlon.
If you have any question or proposition, just fill the form below (or any other contact method you like).